Toaster predicts today's weather

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Done with those so-called forecasters who, again, wrongly predicted today's weather? Hmm, maybe you should listen to this toaster from now on. Yes, the electric thing where you have to put your bread in...
Meet Jamy Toaster, designed by Nathan Brunstein! Nope, Jamy is not a magic toaster and he doesn't talk back. Like a normal toaster, you just have to put bread in it. Wait a few minutes. When you bread pops out of it, you'll see a message of Jamy burnt on your BREAD! There's a built-in barometer and thermometer in the toaster, so that's why he can predict weather. I don't know if Jamy is accurate, but ahh, who cares, it's a lovely toaster, isn't it?

Source: trendhunter

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