Smile! And your fridge will open!

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Getting rewarded with food from your own fridge, just by smiling? Uh... say what?

At the University of Tokyo Sony CSL, scientists have invented a new way to make people smile and eventually happier: Happiness Counter! This is a special device to be attached on your fridge. When you smile, the door of food-heaven will open.

And that's how it works: The device detects your happy face. It will display a "smile" icon. You'll hear a happy sound. Open sesame! So you'll get rewarded with food in exchange for a smile. With a grumpy face the fridge won't open smoothly, so you're forced BY YOUR OWN FRIDGE to smile.

Hmm, is Happiness Counter really a tool that can make us happier? Does the woman at the picture above look happy? Hmm, it's definitely a fake smile. She was sooo hungry and PMSing, that she put up a smile very quickly, just to get her food...very quickly. I'd bet she had her normal grumpy face again, after she took the bucket of chocolate ice cream out of the fridge...

Anyway, this invention "received an award as one of the top 100 new inventions at the Good Design Awards this year." If you're interested, you should check out this video with a demonstration of Happiness Counter (scroll to 0:36).

Source: rocketnews24

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