Get drunk on chocolate whiskey

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Wearing the chocolate perfume. Relaxing on your couch with your melting chocolate light on. Just done sniffing some chocolate. Now watching the 10 best chocolate abs. Hmmm, wouldn't it be nice to have some chocolate to drink. Not just chocolate milk, but some strong stuff. No, not chocolate beer. But what about a glass of chocolate whiskey? Yup, this really exists.

King’s County Distillery produced a chocolate flavored whiskey. They used the leftover cacao husks of Mast Brothers Chocolate. King's County's whiskey is infused with just the bitter, cocoa-y notes of chocolate, with none of the sugary sweetness. Hmmm, I really wonder how this would taste. Gawd, now I really need some chocolate. I'm drooling again.... chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! OK, this is the last time I say 'chocolate' (for today).

Source: incrediblethings

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