Make your own snaggleteeth with special kit

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Sick and tired of your straight perfect teeth? Bored? Dreaming about having a snaggletooth (or teeth)? OK, some people might think 'why the hell???' Well, in some countries girls looove to have snaggleteeth, because it kind of gives them a cute and innocent look. And there are some anime characters and famous pop stars, who have fangs. In Japan they call this Yaeba.

Hm. Anyway, if you want some beautiful crooked teeth, you can ask your dentist if he/she can break your teeth. But I guess it won't be painless. And it can be pretty expensive. But guess what? Now you can reshape it yourself, at home!

Yup, I found this special kit: Yaeba Girl - Custom Fitting Fake Yaeba. In this kit you'll find a tooth base. This base has to be placed in hot water to soften it. And then you can shape the tooth with your fingers. Place in on your tooth until it hardens. And there you have it. Your own desired beautiful tooth (or teeth), for just $ 36 (about 27 Euros)! Cooool!...... right? Click here for more info.

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