Mimicking mannequin robot: MarionetteBot

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Imagine this: your walking down the shoppingstreets at midnight. Just to do some windowshopping. And there you have it. Your favorite dress worn by a mannequin of the store! So you're staring at it. But suddenly it looks like the mannequin is moving. Oh, or is it just your imagination..... or not? It seems like the mannequin really moves. Or worse, it mimics YOUR movements! OMGGG what the..... Witchcraft? Horror?? Ieeeek!!!

OK, do not worry if you're standing in front of United Arrows largest fashionstore in Tokyo. Yup, there they've put worlds first interactive mannequin behind the windows: MarionetteBot.

These mannequins are connected with Kinect. If you're standing in front of it, it will copy exactly your movements, just like a marionette. Check out the video of the MarionetteBot, here at JUMI!

Source: geekologie

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