Hello Kitty's space trip

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OK, what the hell is Hello Kitty doing in a rocket? Traveling through space?

Uhm... well, actually it wasn't her idea to travel up there. But Hello Kitty was send by a 7th grade girl in California! Ah poor Kitty.

Anyway, the girl had a science project. She did some research on the effects of altitude on air pressure and temperature. So the girl made a silver rocket, driven by a huuuge altitude balloon. And put Kitty in it. Poor Kitty..... Poor Kitty? Hmm, I guess Hello Kitty kind of liked it. She didn't puke or cried, as far as I can see on the video.

Check out Hello Kitty's journey through space, here at JUMI!

Source: froot

2 comment about "Hello Kitty's space trip":

February 12, 2013 at 8:05 PM

Dit is echt cool!!
wat zou ze doen als het in een ander land terug was gekomen? :D

February 13, 2013 at 6:08 PM

Kitty zou zelf haar wereldreisje voortzetten denk ik :)

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