Valentine's Day Insurance for singles

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I don't know why. But stores get all crazy when this day arrives. Selling heartshaped stuff, roses and other useless things. People too. Some expect presents or postcards from secret admirers. Hm.

What if you don't expect anything, but secretly longing to receive a postcard or present? Well, a new service showed up in Japan: the Valentine’s Day Insurance.

Yup, now you can purchase this insurance on a special website. Then you have to give an address where their Valentine’s gift should be delivered. This is the insurance. And on Valentine's Day you'll receive a package (OMG, a present! Surprise, surprise!) with chocolate AND a personal message from a 'beautiful woman called Rieko.' Hmm, so it's more a service for men.

Hmm, so paying for your own present... Riiiight. I wonder how many people would buy this Valentine's Day Insurance. One hundred? Maybe they should extend their package by offering it to women too. With an extra option to choose the sender. Maybe a famous person. Oehh, imagine receiving a package (OK, bought by your own money) BUT with a 'personal message' of Lee Byung Hun.... Niiiiiice....

Source: odditycentral

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