Study at the noodle school

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If you're a ramen-addict or a noodle-holic, then this study might be perfect for you: the art of ramen-making! Yup, there's a special school, Yamato Noodle School (Japan), that offers this special course.

Making ramen, isn't that easy to make? Nope, not if you want to make perfect quality ramen. Jummy tasty ramen, that everybody looooves to eat.

Anyway, during the course you'll learn techniques of making broth for the soup, making and preparing noodles and combining them into a perfect bowl of ramen. And guess what, the Noodle School also provide English and Korean interpreters too (for a fee). So it's not just for Japanese students. 600 Students from 18 countries already have graduated. A full course is about 3164,30 Euros (ahumm...). But afterwards you can call yourself a real Ramen chef!

Hmmm, I think I'll just stay being a ramen-eating-tester.

Source: akihabaranews, yamatonoodle

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