The worlds tiniest cutest cellphone

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OK, this man on the picture is NOT holding a toy-phone, because it actually works. And NO, he is NOT a giant either. Nope, the man is holding the smallest and lightest cellphone ever!

Recently Japanese company Willcom introduced the Phone Strap 2. With a tiny screen of 1 inch, it's just as small as a box of Tic Tacs! You can't do much with it, than just using the basic cellphone features. So you can't watch videos on JUMItube or visit JUMI. But you can call (duh), sms and send an e-mail with it. Definitely a phone for someone who doesn't need all that app crap.

This cutie phone will be available in pink and black. It's a limited edition, because the company will only make 12,000 pieces of it. So if you're interested, fly to Japan now!

Source: trendhunter

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