A real operation on Mr teddybear

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Do you remember these when you were younger, when you thought that your teddybears (or dolls) are really alive? When you wrapped the head in bandage or when you sewed the arms on the body, sooo precisely, as if you were really doing some surgery on poor little teddy?

Who said that doing some surgery on a little teddybear is weird. Ze Frank also did some surgery on a teddybear and he filmed it: 'Teddy Has an Operation'. In this video you see (I guess) a sick teddy. Nobody wants to play with him. So what can be done to become a playful Teddy again? Doing some surgery! Yup, so in this video you see how the surgeon opens Teddy's tummy. The surgeon opens all layers in his body. He throws away all the bad stuff in Teddy and replace it with some goodness. Enough talking, you should see the video!

Btw, don't watch the video if you have a weak stomach.

Source: trendhunter

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