Hungry? Nothing to eat? Eat furniture!

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I guess everybody has those days, that you don't want to go outside to do some grocery. But what if you're longing for a sweet snack. But you don't have anything jummy at home. No candy. No chocolate. Ieeek! What to do? Hmmm, if you're one those lucky ones, having furniture of Design studio Lanzavecchia + Wai, then.... EAT IT!

Sure, first we had edible coffeecups and spoons. And now you can eat your own furniture. The designers have released a Hard Candy coffee table, Chocolate chair (mmmmmm), Grains sofa and Hardtack table. Each piece has a basic elemental metal structure, so before starting to attack your jummy furniture snack, beware! Anyway, the furniture's ingredients are basic nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, sugar and chocolate. Mmmmm chocolate...

So, is this jummy or what? Sit on your sofa, while eating eat.

Source: gizmodiva

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