Ice Cream Heels

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Bet your thought at first: heels made of ice cream huh!!! My first thought too... Because of the hot weather I only think of ice creams... But no we are not posting about real ice creams this time, these are the new heels of collab Melissa (you know plastic heels) and Karl Lagerfeld (fashion, cola bottles) for fall/winter 2013.

The heels are the typicial Melissa 'Incense' models with an ice cream applied on the heel, "which encourages good humor". To make it extra glamorous yummy, the ice cream pop has glitters. You can choose between 6 flavours.

The heels can be bought from 130 euros and up.
So what do you think of these heels? Shoe collection worthy?

Personally, I find them a bit dull looking. Am I the only one? Because everybody on internet just llllooooooooves them..  But then again, we are Jumi who loves extreme styles, just 1 scoop won't do.. :)

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