ACUWAKE, tickling wakeup call socks

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Don't you hate it getting up early in the morning to go to work/school. And the next morning you find out that you overslept. Stupid alarmclock didn't ring (too loud). Or you were having a pleasant dream about Lee Min Ho and just didn't want to get up. An alarmclock can be annnoying but you can easily turn it off. Hmmm, maybe this new invention will help to get up much faster: ACUWAKE.

The ACUWAKE is a pair of socks that buzzes you awake in a gentle fashion. The socks has micro vibrators in it, which is good too for your heart, spine and intestine. And because it tickles it wake you up too. Ulgg, it seems annoying to me too, but if it helps me getting up easier.... What do you think, would you try a tickling sock?

Source: yankodesign, aakanksharajhans

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