Step into a huge toilet for Toilet Exhibition

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Wonder how it feels and to be like a giant turd? If you do, you might like this! This month a toilet exhibition has been openend in Tokyo. Cool!

Step into the toilet, or well, gilde into it and for once you can feel how a turd would feel. And you can put a turd hat on your head to feel more turdy. Yup, even grown ups are allowed to become a turd! Anyway, at the exhibtion you can learn anything about turd from its maintenance system to the different types that exist. 'Toilets and faeces are normally thought of as very unclean topics, but I would like for people to actively talk about them instead of just thinking that they're dirty,' says museum staff member Tami Sakamaki.

Totally turdy lovely! Next time I set foot in Tokyo, I'll definitely visit this exhibition. Hmm, then I have to visit this temporarily exhibition before October 5th.

〒135-0064 Tokyo, Koto, Aomi, 2−3−6

Source: trendhunter, wtfjapanseriously

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