Sweaty feet? Wear fans on your shoes!

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Don't you think it's annoying when you're walking at a place where it's coincidentally supersilent and you hear flitsch-flatsch-flitsch-flatsch. Each time you step forwards. Or when you almost slide out of your shoe? Or when you take of your shoe and you smell something unwashy. OMG, sweaty feet!

Well, if you reaaally hate your sweaty feet, you might like this: the USB Sokai Shoes Cooler. It's a little fan which you can hitch to the front side of a shoe. So no more sweat, because it sends fresh air to the inside. The fan costs ¥1,980 (that's about €14).

Hmm, pretty cool solution or not? Or you can just keep wearing your flipflops.. always a right solution right?

Source: japantoday

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