Sit on a human skin seat

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We've already seen some creepy creations with 'human parts'. Remember the butcher shop that sells human hands? Or the human wounds cupcake sets?

Well, it seems like artists and designers don't get enough of human skin. We've seen edible human stuff and now there's furniture that looks and feels like human skin. So it's not real people! (before you all think I'm a sicko).

Gigi Barker, a British furniture designer created seats for her project 'A Body of Skin'. The furniture is made of leather (no human leather!). Besides that, Gigi has designed it in that way that it feels more humanish than normal furniture . For example she impregnated the material with pheromones and aftershave to create a ‘full sensorial experience, which really immersed the viewer’. Ieuw creepy.... If you totally looove to relax and sit on your own human skin seat, then you can have a fleshy stool for about €555. Click here for more info.

1 comment about "Sit on a human skin seat":

August 6, 2014 at 7:42 PM

haha gatver!!
They look like huge butts.

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