Babe, you're hairy!

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Nope, I don't mean the woman on the picture (well, maybe she is hairy, but I'm not focusing on that). But the hairy high heels!

Look closely and you really see hair. The heels, Babe, are made of fleshy-looking silicon gel and covered in pubey black strands of human hair. Ulggg! But, it's not made without a reason.

'Babe' is made by Chinese artist Zhu Tian as a comment on how women's footwear is sexualized and fetishized. Hmm, there are men who will immediately look at you with an ulggg-dirty-mind-look when you wear your pink shiny stilettos. Will they look at you if you wear these pink heels? Well, they might... with an ulggg-dirty-mind-look... but just in another way.

Source: gizmodiva

1 comment about "Babe, you're hairy!":

December 10, 2014 at 6:42 PM

Hahaha nice! I will want to wear these heels.

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