Helldesk the Movie

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OK, maybe you're one of those unlucky persons who has dealt with a lousy helpdesk of some company. Stayed on the line for 32 minutes, sending 20 emails but never got a response back. Aaarghhh! Even though you might want to hate those people of that lousy helpdesk, they're just people and even these people can become one of those unlucky persons. Just like in.... Helldesk.

The employees of a lousy helpdesk are surprised by a terrible event. Caused by supernatural powers? Only Paul will know the truth, but can he handle it?

Helldesk is a short movie which will be released soon. It's gonna be bloody hellish! And guess what, little Jumi has been asked for a little help during the production of this movie. Real blood has been donated by little Jumi (well, it's not that much). Of course she didn't use her own blood, but from her big bro. Don't worry girls, he only fainted (after little Jumi hit him a bit too hard), so he's still alive. Btw, little Jumi and big bro don't have a role in the movie, so don't expect a cute Jumi movie or cartoon.

At the moment, the movie is still in production, but we will keep you updated. If you want to know more about Helldesk, go to Facebook or Twitter. Or check out the website www.helldeskthemovie.com

1 comment about "Helldesk the Movie":

December 15, 2014 at 10:21 PM

Yaaayy thank youuu!!
Lof you Little Jumi♡

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