Does Bulbasaur really exist?

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Who said that the green cute Bulbasaur (Pokémon) isn't real? Well, guess what! Some photos were put online of Bulbasaur! Yup, photos, not drawings!

Is it really Bulbasaur???!! Uhm......

Look closely and you'll see that he isn't. Sorry! This isn't Bulbasaur or one of his relatives. Photographer /u/raKnizek made this picture of a frog with just a regular acorn placed on top of it. Hmm, that's too bad. Not a real Pokémon. But /u/raKnizek said that “this little guy is one acorn away from achieving its dream of being a Pokémon!” How cute, and we will keep on dreaming that we'll see a real Pokémon one day...

Source: rocketnews24

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