Fart smells like roses with pill

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My fart smells gooood. Why the hell are people complaining about my lovely smelling farts? OK, if you're that person who's surrounded by people complaining about your farts, you might like  this: a special pil which makes your fart smells like roses or violets or chocolate!

Say what? A french inventor Christian Poincheval came up with the idea. One evening he was having a meal with his friends, but then they all started to become gassy. "Our farts were so smelly we were nearly suffocated. Something had to be done," he said. So mr Poincheval did some research and experiments with natural ingredients that would reduce the smell. And after months he created his special farts-that will smell-lovely-pill.

A jar of 60 pills costs €9,99. Hm, I don't think I'm going to try it. I'm not into pills anyways. So, boohoo for the people around me. They just have to get used to the lovey smell of Jumi farts.

Source: geekologie

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