Stan Lee in K-pop song

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OK, for some of you this might be old news, because this song came out a while ago. Still I want to share this song to start a happy weekend. Yup, this time it's the K-pop song from Clara with Gwiyomi song 2 with special guest Stan Lee.

In this MV Clara sings happy with a cute voice (Gwiyomi or kiyomi is Korean slang used to refer to a cute person btw). Yet she punches her oppa (boyfriend) who's talking to other girls (that bastard).
The MV is colorful and has animated/comic effects, so I guess Stan Lee likes it. What about Stan Lee? Ok, ok, don't expect a full Stan Lee music video. At the beginning you see him  for a few seconds when a little piece of Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik K. 525" ends. And at the end you see him doing the Gwiyomi hand dance too. Haha no full Stan Lee music video, sowwie guys and girls. But it's funny to see him for a few seconds in a girlie music video, right.

Enough talking, enjoy the video and happy weekend!

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