Dude plays Super Mario World with flute?

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You might have seen many videos of people playing a tune of a videogame with an instrument. Cool. That is what I thought when I saw the video of Wakou playing the tune of Super Mario World with a flute. A simple easy to play game with a simple easy to play tune. But wait... this one is different.

Is he blowing into the flute with his nose? Yup, you've seen that right. Ok... but wait.... and listen. After finishing the short tune, he is actually playing the video game, I mean gaming! Serious! He has programmed the game with a recorder in a way that he can play it by controlling the sound. So the notes he blows are actually 'the buttons on the controller'. For example, if he wants Mario to go up, he blows the note Do. Re for 'left', Mi for 'down', Fa for 'right', So for 'B', La for 'B-right', Ti for 'Y-Right' etc. Hmmm, this makes it a bit more different to play Super Mario World.

Check out the video of Wakou playing Super Mario World by blowing into his flute with his nose.

Source: en.rocketnews24

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