Sit on a panda chair

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Hmm, some might see this as animal abuse. It might be soft, yet it feels like it's uncomforting sitting on them: pandas.

Designers Fernando and Humberto Campana designed the Panda Banquette chair. This is a chair with little (of course plush) pandas sewn onto the canvas. So if you're a nutty panda lover searching for something unique, this might be interesting. Hm, but it only costs $45,000 (about €39.408) ahum... rright, a chair that doesn't look comfy to me... hm to me... I can imagine it's not comfy for them, the pandas either. Imagine seeing a giant buttocks moving to your head. Oempff, eventually sitting on your head. Ieekkk.

Anyway, the chairs will be sold during the Los Angeles Modern Art Auctions on March 1, 2015. Ready to try it out, sitting on some poor pandas?

Source: trendhunter

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