Life insurance company commercial tearjerker?

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Commercials, beh! Who doesn't hate commercials, especially from boring companies, such as life insurance companies for example. But then I saw this cute commercial of a life insurance company (oh really).

This one is from MetLife Hong Kong. The commercial is about a little cute daughter who wrote a sweet letter to her daddy. 'Daddy is the sweetest, smartest, superman, just great etc....' How adorable...  Already having a lump in your throat? Oh boehoeh. But then the cute daughter writes that his daddy lies. And yup, then a pms'ing emotional moment started to grow in my throath. A lump! Yup, even though this commercial is three and a half minutes long, it didn't bother me. Actually I didn't hate this commercial of a boring company. I've said enough, you should check it out, here at Jumi!

Did you have a lump after watching it? Did you, did you??

Source: en.rocketnews.24

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