Order a shot of breastmilk at the bar

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OK big shot, if you're drinking all kinds of shots (of very yuck strong alcohol for example) easily. Without being afraid of fainting. Then you might like this: a shot of..... breastmilk!

It seems to be normal in some cultures. Women in Mongolian families stock refrigerators with breast milk for any family member that wants a quick healthy snack.

Anyway, it's still..... Ieeelggggg!! OK, I'm not a big shot. I don't even like cow milk. But for the big shots, in Tokyo there are lactations bars where you can get a shot of fresh milk. Fresh milk it is, because nursing mommies will fill a shot glass with breast milk in front of your eyes. Uuulggg! A shot costs 2,000 yen (that's about €15). Straight from the nipple costs 5,000 yen (€37). Yuckkk! Do you dare drinking a shot of breastmilk?

Source: weirdasianews

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