Get a bagel head!

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If you're obsessively addicted to bagels, then why not turning yourself into a bagel? Or well, make some adjustments to your body, so that it looks like a bagel is growing out of your forehead or something. Sounds cool but surreal huh?

Not anymore! In the body modification scene there are some people who have a bagel in their head: bagel heads!

Some call it cute, some call it art. To me, it looks too bizarre. Anyway, they don't cut your forehead open. And they don't put a real bagel in your head. Actually, the 'surgery' looks pretty simple. They just pinch an injection needle with saline in your forehead. This way, your forehead gets thick. After a while, the needle will be thrown away. And then they press the center of the swollen area with a thumb, creating a bagelshape.

It will take about two hours to get a bagel head like that. But it won't last long. You'll be bageling for 16-24 hours. Afterwards the saline is absorbed into your body and then your forehead will turn back to its normal size.

If you're interested, here's a short video about bagel heads. But beware: please don't watch if you're afraid of needles.

Source: newsonjapan

Update: Some online sources say that this is some kind of trend in Japan. This is NOT true. "According to many Japanese social media sites, such Western reports on "bagel heads" completely distort and fabricate a "wacky Japanese fashion trend" which doesn't even truly exist." A lot of people in Japan have never heard of bagel heads. So, no, don't expect to see many bagel heads on the streets in Japan.
Source: tokyo fashion,

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