Jumi rants: Hollywood remake of A Bittersweet Life

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Ok, we have talked about the Hollywood remake of the anime classic Akira.
This time, I just want to dedicate a post to complain about WHY Hollywood wants to remake GOOD movies!???

A Bittersweet Life, an amazing Korean movie which tops my list of Must-watch in your life, suddenly is a project of Albert Hughes, one of the directors of Menace II Society and From Hell.
The Korean movie stars Lee Byung Hun, yes JUMI's favourite actor for many reasons. This actor is the soul of this badass movie and gives us real cinema. Nobody can replace him.

 Trailer of A Bittersweet Life

I guess my question about Why remaking good movies, only receives mumbling containing easy $$ signs. Such a pity some people don't understand that some movies just don't need a remake.
But on the other hand, I am glad that most remakes never tops the original and just fade away. You shouldn't name your new movie a "remake". Though they often generate free publicity for the original takes, so maybe this isn't a bad idea after all... :/

Just learned the fact about Spike Lee remaking Oldboy! (0_0) Ok, I will just stop here with ranting.

Source: twitchfilm 

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