When there's an event and rain, there's Jumi! This time Jumi went to the opening of the H&M flagship store, The Hague. OK, what's so special about it? The new H&M opened in a beautiful historical building of
Maison de Bonneterie. And it's big! So Jumi had to take a peek inside.
The new store would open at 10 am, so Jumi arrived at 9:30. Hmm, Jumi too early? No! There was already a loooooong queue of women waiting outside with their umbrellas. What the... Hmm, strangely enough I already saw some female customers walking inside the store.. Uh, I don't get that, because the store would open at 10. Hmpfff strange and stupid! Probably some hungry women were already waiting outside at 7 am, and the security thought 'ah, well let's open the doors for them, before they (b)eat us'. Hmpf.

After waiting for a little 20 minutes Jumi entered the store. So many people, so many things! The store has as far as I could see, because people were pushing Jumi away (stupid hungry people! Get a pizza or something...) 4 floors. But then I saw why people were acting like they're hungry prehistorical creatures. They all wanted something from the brand Balmain! There was a special Balmain area, so many people went to that area. It's like the store gave away free masterpieces of pizzas or something.
So what's new and different about this store? Well, it has a large shoes collection. Jumi saw some gorgeous high heels, so she had to try it. Too bad that the shoes didn't fit.
The store also has a 'home' department where you can get a lot of cute stuff for your bathroom, living room and bedroom. Jumi was tired trying those heels. So she rested for a while. Good service of H&M, putting a bed for tired Jumi.
For this special opening, there were nailstylists. Waited for 10 minutes, but it took so long, so bye bye nailstylist. There also was a DJ. Luckily the music wasn't extremely loud, so no tissues in the ears. By the way, the ceiling of the building remained the same, that's good!
After a little hour Jumi left the store. She bought a new shirt, which you can find at any H&M btw. The cashier gave her a new Elle magazine as a little extra.
So is it worth it to go to the flagship store? Uhm, if you're curious about what you can find at the 'home' department. But you can also find this department in Amsterdam. I think it's nice for those who want to know how this old historical building transformed into a modern clothing store. I mean you can find many
(yes many, probably you'll find sweaters in more colours in this store) other things at the three other H&M's in The Hague. OK, the shoes collection is big, but I guess you can find these shoes online too. One thing I didn't see are the clothing in sale, maybe that's logical, because it's a special flagship store. Because the building is big, the store has more space. So if you're a person who prefers to go shopping with a lot of private space, than this is the H&M place.
Time to eat!.... or not? Nope, outside the store a promoting lady gave a coupon to get a free sample for a hairspray from the brand Balmain. Jumi only had to go to another department store (Bijenkorf) to receive it. So Jumi went to the Bijenkorf and received 'Texturizing Salt Spray' of 50 ml. Does it smell salty? No it's smells like a hair salon.
Jumi is hungry. Now it's time to eat!