
Lee Byung-hun on Hollywood Walk of Fame

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This time a girliepost about Korean mr. manly-man Lee Byung-hun. The actor finally gets a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at the end of this June (23 or 24th)! Congrats!

Lee Byung-hun sings (but honestly I don't like him singing). And he played in (of course) a lot of Korean movies and doramas. He also had a role in the American movie G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, as Storm Shadow. And uhm fans, good news: he'll be back as Storm Shadow in the next G.I. Joe: Retaliation. This movie is scheduled for release on June 29, 2012.

If you can't wait to see him on screen again, then check out the trailer (scroll to 0:58).

Source: yonhap

1 comment about "Lee Byung-hun on Hollywood Walk of Fame":

April 25, 2012 at 9:31 PM

w0000t dat plaatje onder zijn naam! woohoo!!!!

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