
Restaurant serves food that tastes like crap

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We all have experienced an unhappy moment going to a restaurant that served you food that tasted like crap. Sometimes there are discussions with friends about which restaurant serves the crappiest food. Hmm, I think you'll definitely win the discussion after you visited Curry Shop Shimizu in Tokyo. Why? They serve crap-flavored curry!

Curry Shop Shimizu is founded by Ken Shimizu. Rrrrigh, I think you might think 'why the hell a crappy restaurant???!'. Well, he wanted to create the world's first something. So after good thinking, he came up with curry that tastes like crap, which isn't being sold anywhere else in the world.

It took him several years to create the perfect curry crap recipe. No real crap has been used btw. Nope, the curry is a combination of the extreme bitterness of its two main ingredients goya (bitter gourd) and senburi (swertia japonica) tea.

Sounds jummy, right? Uhmm, no. So why the hell would anyone visit this restaurant? Uhmm, maybe to win the discussion with friends about the crappiest restaurant ever?

Source: en.rocketnews24

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