
Ice cream so tasty that it's inedible

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There you have it. Your own created jummilicous ice cream. Jummmyy! But after one bite you find out that it's fake. What the.. Yup this is the Fake Food Sample Ice Cream Kit.

In Japan and South Korea I often saw restaurants displaying fake food. And omg some of them look sooo real and jummmyyyy. Pretty strange idea, drooling over a bit of plastic. If you like having fake food in your own house, you can buy the Fake Food Sample Ice Cream Kit. It's pretty easy to make, but ehm to pay $92 (about €82) for this package. Hmm I think I'll skip. I think I would skip anyways, because fake food... It's Jumi's ultimate torture tool!

See how an ice cream is created, watch the video.

Source: japantrendshop

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