Cute patterned maki sushi
Unfortunately much more so-called 'cheap' Japanese all-you-can-eat restaurants pop up as if it's a new McDonald's. Food is being served quickly, as if they already prepared it a few hours before. When I order sushi, I sometimes really get disgusting rolls with old rotten fish in it. And then it's wrapped up in Nori which feels so hard, as if chewing on a piece of cardboard. And the look of it....omg....I can see that the rolls are prepared in a rush, without any love whatsoever. Hm, or maybe it's handmade by a blind old sushi-roller or toddlers who had to help their mum or dad in the kitchen. I'd rather go to the Mac, than a fastfood 'Japanese' restaurant.
Yup, the look of sushi. If it looks good, I'll eat it! (hehe, suddenly I think about Andrew Zimmern) What if the sushi-rolls would look good in a design way? Well, check out these Nori-designs!
A Japanese ad agency I&S BBDO created these cute Design Nori. They designed it for Unimo Seaweed shop to help them boost their flagging business after the Tsunami in Japan. The designs also have a meaning: happiness, long life, respect for the past and hopes for the future. Don't they look cute? I'll definitely would pay more, and wait longer, to have maki sushi rolled beautifully in these Design Nori's.
Source: jeanniejeannie.com, isbbdo.co.jp
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