
JummyOrNot: Ultimate Chocolate Milk test

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So we are near the end of April and it's still chilly here with rainy days. This weather is perfect for sitting at home and zipping a hot cup of chocolate milk. Since there are some new kinds of home made chocolate milks, JUMI is going to test some of them!

1. Dark Choc-O-Lait with Caramel syrup
Choc-O-Lait is a piece of chocolate on a stick. You can stir this into a cup of hot milk. It wil turn your plain milk into a nice cup of chocolate milk! It taste really good, but it's sweet. So be sure to use a big mug.
I got this together with a caramel syrup of the German brand Sodados. Well, when I added this syrup into my cup, it turned into chocolate milk from heaven. With some marshmallows on top, it's a real treat!
Definitly will buy this again. 

2. Spoonful of Chocolate with Caramel syrup
Spoonful of Chocolate is a piece of dark chocolate on a stick too. You can stir this into a cup of hot milk and your milk changes into chocolate milk. I had trouble with melting this chocolate into my caution-cause-it's-hot milk; it took too long and I got bored stirring. My mug got dirty looking because of the little flakes.
I had some left of the caramel syrup, so I used this again :).
And again I topped it with marshmellows. BUT this chocolatemilk wasn't that yummy... it tasted less chocolaty and a bit watery. Did I used too much milk?
I won't try this brand anymore.

3. Hot Shock by The Chocolate Line
During our visit to Antwerp, Belgium I have bought real Belgian chocolate for my mug! This time it's a piece of white chocolate in shape of a cute heart on a wooden spoon. It looks very luxurious and jummy. I was excited to make my chocolate milk! It's melting very fast while stirring in hot milk. The taste of this chocolate milk was very soft and creamy, probably because it's white chocolate. It's a nice cup of choco for people who don't want to be dominated by the taste of chocolate. Well the taste was a little less for my sweet tooth. But the quality of this one is great. Next time I should get the dark chocolate version of Hot Shock! 

So that was my big try-out of chocolate milks. Number 1 and 3 are definitly the stars of my review. 
And a special shout out goes to the Caramel Syrup by Sodados. Jummy!!

2 comment about "JummyOrNot: Ultimate Chocolate Milk test":

April 24, 2012 at 10:09 PM

Ah those tiny marshmallows look so cute ^-^

April 24, 2012 at 10:33 PM

Woong-ah lets drink together ^^

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